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1:1 Nutrition counselling

Nutrition counselling takes nutrition advice and adds counselling and practical support to help you heal your relationship with food and your body.


As eating disorders are mental illnesses, addressing the nutritional side of the illness is not enough for recovery. Recognising and addressing the mental health side of an eating disorder can be achieved through nutrition counselling.

Nutrition counselling is for you if...

  • You've been dieting on and off for years and feel out of control when it comes to your diet.

  • You aren't going out for dinner with your friends because you're worried about eating around them.

  • You are struggling with disordered eating - or you think you might be.

  • You don't feel comfortable in your own body and you place control on food in and attempt to change that.

  • You want a safe space to talk through your relationship with food and take action on this.

  • You are using rigid food rules and you want to break away from these.

  • You are restricting around food and want to stop.

  • You want to work with someone who understands and appreciates the mental health side to disordered eating.

  • You've been avoiding foods due to fears or triggers and want to overcome these.

  • You are always thinking about food - calories, macros and what to eat.

  • You've tried your best to do it alone, but you just need some guidance and accountability to help recovery further.

What does nutrition counselling include?

  • 45 minute nutrition counselling sessions (amount depending on your needs)

  • Discounted WhatsApp support

  • Additional resources aligned with your needs 

  • Follow-up emails after each session

  • Tasks to do before we meet for our next session

What could nutrition counselling do for you?

Allow you to feel in control of your eating behaviours again. 

Give you the confidence to go out for food with friends again. Increasing your ability to socialise without stressing over food.

Stop the constant thoughts about food, giving your brain more space to think about other things. This could be relationships with loved ones or education you could never concentrate on before.

Often healing your relationship with food comes with gaining more confidence and feeling comfortable in your own skin. Suddenly nothing will feel impossible!

Allow you to feel comfortable and confident in your own body without wanting to change it. 

You can start exercising for your mental health and to feel good - not to burn off the chocolate you ate at lunch.

Pricing for 1:1 nutrition counselling

Pricing starts at £40 per session

A minimum of 6 week support is suggested for nutrition counselling due to the nature of support. Package deals can be made to suit your needs and wants. Buying a package will provide an overall discount depending on the amount of sessions purchased.

Starting out with weekly sessions (3 appointments in 3 weeks), then moving to bi-weekly (3 appointments in 6 weeks) is a good start for support. WhatsApp support during office hours throughout the duration of your package is also included within the cost.

How do I find out more about support for me?

To chat about what support is best for you and your needs we will have a short discovery call. During this call we can discuss booking you in for support or having an initial consultation to talk further about your needs.

You can enquire about booking a call by filling in the form below.

Enquire about a discovery call

Fill in the form to enquire about booking a discovery call

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