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Food Freedom Quiz

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Food freedom is the end goal when healing your relationship with food.

Having the freedom to eat whatever you want, whenever you want without feeling guilt or shame will change your life.

What is food freedom?

Food freedom is when we include all the foods we enjoy in our diet and eat food that meets our physical and emotional needs without feeling guilty about it.

To gain food freedom you need to...

  • Honour your hunger

  • Ditch your diet mentality

  • Include and accept all the foods you like into your life

  • Take away the shame, guilt and worry you feel about eating food

When is it not food freedom?

Food freedom isn’t another diet, it’s the opposite of that.

However, some diets disguise themselves as being non-restrictive by making claims that say something along the lines of ‘allow all foods, but some less.’

This can often be seen in modern day wellness trends like juice diets or Whole30.

If you can’t eat a food without feeling like you’ve done something wrong. It’s not food freedom.

To find out if you have really reached food freedom you can access our food freedom quiz here!

What does food freedom feel like?

When you have truly reached food freedom, you won’t be worrying about what you are going to eat every second of the day.

You will have more time for other things you enjoy, or other things that truly matter to you.

Your relationships will take the place of old worries about food. You will actually go for dinner with friends to see them instead of not going because you’re worried about what you will eat.

The bottom line is, you’ll have your life back!

How to get to food freedom

Here are some steps you could take to help you on your way to food freedom.

1. Take our food freedom quiz to find out where you are struggling.

2. Stop counting calories and weighing yourself. Numbers are an obsession.

3. Try to change your food narrative – all foods are equal.

4. Work on body neutrality. Respect and accept your body and you might not feel the want to change it so badly.

5. Get support from a food freedom nutritionist to speed up your journey to food freedom!

If you feel like this is all a bit too much to take in yourself, support with Vibe could help you make sense of your journey.

Click here to find out more about our support options or book your free discovery call to talk to Yazmin, our food freedom nutritionist, about how personalised support could look for you.

Food Freedom Quiz

If you have scrolled to the bottom to find what you came for, a food freedom quiz, here it is!

Disclaimer – this quiz in no way acts as personal nutrition advice. It is for educational purposes only. If you feel like you are struggling with disordered eating or an eating disorder please reach out to your GP or eating disorder specialist like myself to get the support you need.

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