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Binge eating recovery - Are you eating less and exercising more?

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

If you are trying to recover from binge eating and don’t want to invest in a binge eating coach (like me) you are in the right place!

Today I’m going to be sharing a very important thing to keep in mind if you are trying to beat binge eating.

Recovering from binge eating, without a binge eating coach, can be difficult for so many reasons. But one that isn’t talked about a lot is the chance of moving into over control disguised as recovery.

I’m sure you have heard of the binge restrict cycle if you are trying to beat binge eating.

But today I’m going to talk about the see saw analogy, and how easy it is to fall into over control after such a long period of feeling out of control because of binge eating.

Are you eating less and moving more?

Have you tried to stop binge eating by yourself and went from the binge restrict cycle to eating less and moving more?

This is a common disordered eating behaviour swap I see in clients when they have tried to beat binge eating without a binge eating coach or nutritionist.

You might think you have recovered because you have stopped binge eating.

But in reality you have swapped one disordered eating behaviour for another.

You are in full control of everything and think this is how it’s supposed to be. When you are really just restricting and exercising on a strict schedule.

This can be seen as falling to the other side of the seesaw, when you really need to be in the middle. The middle is where no restriction, exercise to feel good and zero meal plans live.

The Seesaw analogy

What is the Seesaw analogy?

Simply, you need to be in the middle of the seesaw for it to be balanced. When the seesaw is balanced you will have beat binge eating.

Binge eating recovery - binge restrict cycle

The left side of the seesaw will represent the binge restrict cycle. Here, you are binge eating then restricting in an exhausting cycle.

On the right side of the seesaw you will find fake binge eating recovery. Here you will be binge eating less because you are eating less and exercising more. You are feeling super in control.

Being at this side of the seesaw will feel like you have recovered. You are likely eating less and exercising more. Believing this is healthy and you are in total control.

But in reality you aren’t binge eating because you have switched to over

control. You have swapped one disordered eating behaviour for another.

The key to the seesaw is getting to that middle ground where you have the ability to make educated and empowered choices around food and exercise.

Eating less and exercising more in binge eating recovery

Eating less and exercising more is the typical formula for weight loss. But it is not the answer when recovering from binge eating.

Stress levels

Stress plays a massive part in your life and in our body. Pushing your body to the limit by exercising more and eating less will put your body under a lot of stress, meaning it will be in a fight or flight mode.

This fight or flight response to stress will make it more likely you will binge because of increased cortisol being produced through this response.

Slower metabolism

When you eat less and exercise more for a period of time, your body will become under fuelled.

When this happens you should expect your body to react by slowing down your metabolism. It does this to conserve any energy it is getting to make sure it has enough in times of restriction. Some studies have shown under eating resulting in up to a 23% drop in metabolism.

This means you will gain weight faster than you did before, and this could be a trigger for body shame due to weight gain, which is known to be a trigger for binge eating.

Focusing on weight loss

Focusing on weight loss when you struggle with binge eating is not the way to go, trust me.

Trying to change your body weight by eating less and exercising more to fit into societal norms won’t fix your problems.

It will likely make you feel worse about yourself when you eventually can’t fit into these unachievable body norms. Because, basically nobody can without seriously lucky genetics or surgery.

Ultimately focusing on weight loss in binge eating recovery is not the way to go. Focus on recovery and gaining food freedom, then see if weight loss is really what you want.

And if you still want to focus on your health, here are some ways you can do that without thinking about your weight!

Tips for binge eating recovery

To beat binge eating you should aim for food freedom. You can find out what areas of food freedom you need to focus on in our food freedom quiz!

You need to surrender control to your body. Learn to listen to it, recognise it’s hunger cues and be able to recognise it’s needs.

Don’t try to restrain, control or micromanage your body. It knows best when it comes to food!

Here are some tips for beating binge eating.

1. Focus on regular eating.

2. Work on ditching your diet mentality.

3. Make and use your own self-care toolbox.

4. Practice body neutrality.

5. Get support from a binge eating coach or food freedom coach.

On a final note, be compassionate towards yourself. Recovering from binge eating isn’t easy, especially without a binge eating coach to guide you in the right direction from the start.

And I recognise 1:1 support isn't in everyones budget, but if you are ready to invest in your recovery journey get in touch here and we can find a time to book in a free discovery call!

Sending love,

Yazmin x

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